Employment or Profit: The Left must decide

employment-population-ratioEarlier this week, I had an exchange with @marissaluck7 about an article in the New York Times, In Tepid Wage Growth, a Potent Sign of a Still-Fragile Economy. The NYT piece is part of the debate over fascist state interest rate policy and, in particular, which is a better gauge for when interest rates should be raised: the official unemployment rate or the nominal wage level. Federal Reserve bank policy right now is said to be tied to the unemployment rate — which sits around 6.3% — while two economists, David G. Blanchflower and Adam S. Posen, make the argument Fed policy should be focused on changes in the nominal wage level.

For the Left, this is a phony debate: Workers cannot survive without jobs and the only rate of unemployment we should accept is zero. Hours of labor must be reduced until every worker who wants a job has one — no matter how much this hurts profits.

The alleged flaw in the Fed policy focus on the unemployment rate is that unemployment can fall for a number of reasons having nothing to do with an improving economy. Although many people may not realize this, unemployment itself is arbitrarily defined by Washington bureaucrats. While the unemployment rate is calculated on some measure of the size of the active labor force, the fascist state itself defines who is in this pool and who is not.

In 1994, for instance, the fascist state established the current definition for labor force participation against the backdrop of the first of a series of jobless recoveries. Since it was commonly recognized the fascist state has responsibility to maintain so-called “full employment”, how unemployment is to be defined became a political question. Those opposed to aggressive fascist state measures to maintain “full employment” argued the pre-1994 measure overstated the problem.

If one would like to make the issue politically less urgent, one can simply redefine a portion of the unemployed as “discouraged workers” or “no longer attached to the labor force”; this way tens of millions of actually unemployed persons can be made to go away without requiring the fascist state to create jobs for them. (It goes without saying that this has profoundly racist implications, since it condemns a huge proportion the black population as “no longer attached” to the labor force — conveniently leaving them to bear a wildly disproportionate burden of the capitalist crisis.)

However, according to John Williams’ reconstruction of the pre-1994 definition of unemployment, unemployment in the United States is now approaching 25%:


This places the US on par with some of the worst unemployment figures seen in Europe today — Spain, Portugal, Greece, for instance. Despite a falling official unemployment rate, unemployment is not only not contracting, but has been rising steadily since 2007. Moreover, unemployment reached its lowest level in 2001 and has been rising for more than a decade.

The economists mentioned in the NYT article essentially admit use of the post-1994 measure of unemployment as a guide for Fed policy has broken down with the sudden post-2008 appearance of massive population of long term unemployed persons — exactly the population the post-1994 gauge was deliberately designed to make go away. If you want to disguise the rate of unemployment, one of the easiest ways to do this is to simply say anyone unemployed for a year is no longer “attached to the labor force” This definition has now reached the point of absurdity as a guide for a credible “full employment” policy.

There is, however, another symptoms of “slack” in the labor market that might be more suitable: a robustly growing demand for labor would be expressed in a tendency for wages to rise. Thus some economists like, Blanchflower and Posen, argue this measure of labor demand is now more accurate when so many workers have been permanently locked out of the labor market.

The question, however, is not whether Blanchflower and Posen are right about this, but who cares? The aim of the redesigned gauge of unemployment was meant to disappear the unemployed not address their need for a job. Focusing on money wages may now be a more accurate measure of real “slack” in the labor market, but no one in Washington is the least bit fucking concerned about real slack in the labor market.

After 1981, Washington stopped trying to artificially generate “full employment” and does not want attention to be drawn to this fact. The attempt to maintain “full employment” throughout the 1970s depression brought the dollar to the brink of an uncontrolled devaluation. Even with an accurate gauge of unemployment, there is very little Washington can do to fix it that is consistent with profitability; Fed policy, therefore, is not determined in a vacuum simply by the level of unemployment, but by the highest level of employment consistent with a maximum rate of profit. This level of employment — one that is consistent with maximizing profits — is called “full employment”.

And when is “full employment” reached? When the wages of the working class begin to rise, of course. The focus on wages is merely an attempt to change the subject from the millions of workers who desperately need jobs to the problem of how technocrats can identify the point where the profit rate is being maximized by Fed policy.

Two things must be realized by the Left: First, Federal Reserve policy is concerned and can only be concerned with maximizing profit. Second, every worker is bereft of all means to life except her ability to sell her labor power.

The worker’s ability to find employment should not, under any circumstances, be tied to the ability of capital to make a profit. As long as you focus on fascist state policies of one sort or another, you are focused on maximizing profit; you are betraying millions who have no jobs and cannot survive other than on handouts from the fascists.

The Left have a decision to make: is it concerned to maximize profits for capital, or to maximize employment for the working class? These two things — profit and jobs — are now incompatible with each other.

We have to take our stand that every worker must have a job even if this results in a collapse of profits. The growing incompatibility of employment with profits means a choice has to be made by society.

And for the overwhelming majority of society that choice must be employment.

10 thoughts on “Employment or Profit: The Left must decide”

  1. Thank you for pointing out that “full employment” has come to mean “maximal employment consistent with the highest rate of profit”.

    I’m less confident in the conclusion drawn that the left should be demanding true full employment even if that means a reduction in profit.

    The political problem for me is that such a demand can be satisfied with a “jobs guarantee” that operates similarly to a UBI plus some kind of requirement for universal bullshit community service.

    Atop that, I don’t see any structural reason why a jobs guarantee would threaten profit in the longer term. To me, it seems like it would be a lateral reconfiguration of the welfare state, not an advance. Nothing in this reconfiguration promises a material betterment of workers — only the imposition that however they get by it must now involve selling some hours of make-work. The political resistance to a jobs guarantee is, I think, apt to be about the costs of making the transition and skepticism that it would be well-administered in the long run.


    1. “The political problem for me is that such a demand can be satisfied with a “jobs guarantee” that operates similarly to a UBI plus some kind of requirement for universal bullshit community service.”

      In theory, yes. But, if it were this easy why has this not been done? Moreover, I state at the outset that hours of labor must be reduced. Even if there was a “jobs guarantee” how would this be realized? There is not much likelihood it will be done by deficit-financed state public works, so we have little to fear on that front. Reducing hours of labor is a far more efficient and less costly alternative to public service employment. And we can make this argument.


  2. Jehu says:
    “Two things must be realized by the Left:
    1. Federal Reserve policy is concerned and can only be concerned with maximizing profit.
    2. Every worker is bereft of all means to life except her ability to sell her labor power.

    The Left have a decision to make:
    1. Maximize profits for capital
    2. Maximize employment for the working class.”

    Who says these are these are the only things to realize, or only decisions to make?

    The “Left” does not have to accept the current status quo plutocracy, the rampant consumerism and accumulation of “things”, the use of slave labor in China for production, the reduction of food quality for the sake of quantity, environmental destruction, military imperialism, the vast prison apparatus and State/Private colluded surveillance, climate change, and misuse of what is left of fossil fuels.

    But the “Left” you talk about is really the center right. The “Neoliberal Left”. The Libertarian Left is the radical left. Those who are antiauthoritarian as well as communitarian. Those who recognize the problems of “maximizing of employment for the working class” and commodity fetishism itself.

    This is not to say the the State/Private apparatus is not powerful. It is incredibly powerful. That is the problem.

    We can and should be against “maximization of profits” for capital AS well as against “maximization of employment”.

    To quote Chris Hedges:
    “Human misery and the deadly assault on the ecosystem are good for business.”






  3. So simple, so elegant, but how difficult to attain… a job for one, a job for all! An actual living wage that would allow each human to not only bar sustenance, but to a life worthy of that name.

    But how to attain it? Reform or Revolt? That’s the question… unless you have a third way?


    1. Simple: reduce hour of labor until everyone has a job who wants one. There is no mystery to this. It is not a question of reform or revolt. We left that sterile debate behind long ago.


      1. Current law states: “Unless exempt, employees covered by the Act must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek at a rate not less than time and one-half their regular rates of pay.”

        All that is required is a simply change in the FLSA from 40 hours to 32, 24, 16 or even 8 hours. The number keeps declining until everyone who wants a job has one. It probably would also be necessary to include all paid work under this legislation, with no exemptions


  4. Wow – very good way of thinking about it in concrete terms (all kidding aside). Of course, I’m assuming this would mean filling legislatures with those who would be responsive to such a demand, and then pressuring them accordingly? Anyway, you definitely answered my taunt, and then some (I’m reminded of the old IWW slogan “overtime is scabbing on the unemployed!”). Thanks, Jehu.


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