The core fallacy of Leftist basic income schemes

I am spending some time looking into the argument for basic income made by some of its defenders. In the course of my surfing, I came across this article by Carl Gibson, “The Case for a Basic Guaranteed Income for All”, which attempts to popularize the argument of basic income advocates.

logo-UBIEAccording to Gibson:

“By providing a basic income for all citizens through ending tax loopholes and preferential tax treatments for the super-wealthy, we’re directly correcting the ever-growing gap between the few who have more than they could ever spend in multiple lifetimes, and the vast majority fighting over crumbs.

More importantly, we’re also giving the poorest Americans a fighting chance at fulfilling their dreams, rather than spending their best years slaving away for a corporate giant that doesn’t respect basic human needs. We can’t call ourselves a free country until working Americans are freed from poverty wages and dead-end jobs.”

From the point of view of getting completely beyond capitalist society, basic income poses at least two obvious problems: First, a basic income does not and cannot get beyond money relations. Second, a basic income cannot get beyond the state. If basic income cannot get beyond money and beyond the state, it cannot get beyond labor despite what its defenders argue.

Why can’t basic income get beyond labor when so many of its defenders claim it can? The reasons are simple: First, although almost all basic income supporters never realize this, money itself is only an expression of socially necessary labor time. Typical of the sort of thinking in our society, most basic income supporters simply see money as a numeraire, not an expression of value. Second, the state itself is wholly funded by surplus value.

These two facts together mean basic income itself is funded by the surplus value, (i.e., the surplus socially necessary labor time) of the working class.

Making Capital Pay?

This presents us with the bizarre situation where one section of the working class lives parasitically on the surplus value squeezed from another section of the class. The typical response of basic income supporters to this bizarre situation is that this is not necessarily true. Instead of adding taxes to the employed sections of the working class, the fascist state could garnish some portion of already idle capital.

Carl Gibson, for instance, proposes the following measures to employ the excess profits of capital to fund a basic income scheme:

“The cost of guaranteeing every adult citizen (approximately 225 million, according to census figures) $12,000 a year is roughly $2.8 trillion. That sounds like a lot, until looking into just one of the least-mentioned sources – offshore tax havens.

Currently, $32 trillion is stashed in offshore accounts in notorious tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. Much of that is profit made in the US by American corporations, but booked overseas to avoid taxes. And as journalist Nicholas Shaxson wrote in “Treasure Islands,” much more of it is held in blind trusts operated by oppressive authoritarian regimes, drug cartels, human traffickers, and other unsavory characters. $2.8 trillion isn’t even 1/8 of that amount. We aren’t asking for the whole pie, just a piece. And we’ll even save them a bite.

A few commonsense loophole closures like getting rid of the “carried interest” loophole, eliminating transfer pricing schemes like the “Dutch Sandwich” and “Double Irish” tax loopholes, and instituting a one percent sales tax on all financial transactions on Wall Street would be more than enough to cover the cost of a universal guaranteed income for all. And we still haven’t even discussed other widely-supported, commonsense initiatives like turning wasteful Pentagon spending like the F-35 project into money set aside for a universal basic income, taxing investment income at the same rate as real, actual work, raising the inheritance tax to pre-Bush levels, or creating new tax brackets for millionaires and billionaires.”

Thus, Gibson believes capital can be made to pay the cost to support idled workers through a combination of taxes on offshore accounts, closing loopholes, ending defense contracts and raising inheritance and capital gains taxes to pre-Bush administration levels.

This proposal, however, is simply a shell game since the origins of this idle capital is none other than the excess labor time of the worker. Assuming all of these forms of subsidy to capital were eliminated, we would still face the same problem — only now the capitalists would be intermediaries for an indirect tax on the employed workers. The capitalist would extract surplus value from his wage slaves and split the proceeds with the fascist state. The fascist state would then hand out the loot extracted from the workers by capital to the unemployed.

Although it appears as if capital is being taxed to maintain those unable to find work, in fact one section of the class is being made to support the other by working longer hours than is necessary.

Unemployment and Poverty as the Product of the Employed Worker

Supporters of basic income argue the scheme would make it possible for a large portion of the class to withdraw from the labor market; giving freedom to some workers to live entirely without laboring. In fact this is only true for that portion of the class that has already been rendered superfluous to productive labor. So long as the portion of the working class that composes the surplus population depends on value squeezed out of the employed section, the “freedom” to live without labor is materially limited by the rate of surplus value.

In any case, the mass of surplus value extracted from the employed workers must be equal to the average rate of profit, plus the expenditures of the fascist state, plus the basic income paid to those not working. The social spending formerly undertaken by the fascist state has not disappeared at all — it has only been reorganized. In place of a host of targeted programs, we now have a cash allotment handed out to those who have already been rendered surplus by capital. Assuming the program is revenue neutral, it only represents a change in the form of distribution of social spending and who receives it.

By and large the supporters of basic income will not listen to this argument, since they are not familiar with labor theory or think it is wrong. In their view, money and profit has no necessary relation to labor time. Money can be created out of thin air and is simply a numeraire, while commodities enter circulation without values: in this confused argument, the commodities only actually acquire value in the market when they are bought and sold. Thus, profit is produced by capital, not labor, and can be taxed without any impact on labor time generally.

Finally, there no recognition of the connection between the excess population of workers on the one hand, and the overwork of the employed. If there is any connection acknowledged in this regards, it is only that the unemployed represent a threat to the employed by holding down the wages of the latter. The essential role the employed workers play by actually producing the unemployed workers is never acknowledged.

Along with a steadily growing mass of commodities, resulting from improvement of the productivity of labor, the employed workers produce a steadily growing mass of workers who cannot, under any circumstance, find a place in productive employment. The unemployment of one section of the working class is, thus, the aim and purpose of the activity of the other. The employed worker never realizes this, until she is confronted by a mass of unemployed who attempt to undercut her wages by offering themselves on ever more desperate conditions. The worker, therefore, never recognizes these competitors as her own special product — the direct product of her own labor.

The advocates of basic income believe this mass of workers, who are now utterly dispossessed even of their labor power, can be made to disappear simply be taxing capital. This is their ignorance, their stupidity: they refuse to recognize that their own labor is the sole basis and fundamental premise of capital and its profits.

3 thoughts on “The core fallacy of Leftist basic income schemes”

  1. Dear Jehu

    I have enjoyed your recent series of articles regarding the abolition of work and the critique of value-critique. Your clear style and passionate exuberance are a welcome change to the academic waffle that dominates the radical milieu. However, this post distills a number of questions which have occured to me throughout you writing, that I would like to address.

    In your critique of Jappe, you deny the necessity for any revolutionary subjectivity, maintaining that ‘communism first makes its historical appearance as a very large mass of workers who cannot, under any circumstance, sell their labor power.’ First hand experience, and historical precedent, leads me to agree with Kurz that there is no guarantee that capitalist collapse will lead to some sort of emancipation.

    At the end of last year I left South Africa, where I live, on a trip to Zimbabwe. The journey itself brought home to me quite viscerally how little development and human rights means in terms of quality of life. Compared to SA the place is nothing economically, but in terms of social relations we are completely fucked. So who is better off and who worse? It also revealed some insights about crisis theory, namely, that those who dream that some future collapse of capitalism will herald the dawn of revolution are grossly mistaken. Where there is a conscious mass movement towards a new world, economic crisis might occasion the necessary conditions for social revolution, but in this case the crisis itself is likely to be a product of the revolutionary movement. When referring to the antagonism between proletarians as wage-slaves — human capital — and proletarians as human beings — revolutionary subjects — the internal contradictions of capital can form the basis for radical transformation. When referring merely to economic limits in the production and distribution of objects, the internal contradictions of capital form the basis for nothing more than the transformation of the same. The collapse of one form of capitalism then heralds nothing more than the rise of another variant — as happened recently on a national scale in Zimbabwe, where the implosion of institutional capitalism led not to socialist revolution but grassroots capitalism, in which the entire population hustled to survive by any means PERMITTED, most of which involved entrepreneurship and trading. The traditional role of the petty-bourgeoisie was generalised across the entire society. When the cat’s away, the mice will work. In 2009 the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe was 95%, but the way ‘this large mass of laborers, who have already been thrust outside of society’, as you put it, managed to ‘wrest the means to life from society’ was far from revolutionary!

    I am just as unconvinced of the value of the value-theorists as you are, but for very different reasons. They love to go on about the impending end of money brought about by the internal contradictions of capitalism: the approaching ‘tipping point’ when the proportion of productive to unproductive labour will arrive at an absolute limit of capitalist valorisation. It seems leftists will never abandon their fondness for absolutes! I find it very strange, however, that for all the abstract harping on about global economic collapse by Jappe, Kurz, and co., they do no more than mention in passing past situations where single countries (Argentina, Armenia, and Zimbabwe recently) or groups of countries (the former USSR) which past through the sort of crises on which they build their intellectual careers. Surely the concrete experience of the millions of proletarians who not only put up with abandonment by a system which demanded everything in exchange for their survival, but hustled with all their might to reconstitute this grossly negligent provider, is more relevant to the revolutionary implications of any possible future crisis than the endless recapitulations of ancient theories by Past Masters in an immense accumulation of obtuse near-identical texts which exemplify quite commendably (they take their unity of theory and practice seriously!) the capitalist tendencies towards increasing productivity and useless work. Have you found anything at all potentially useful in these people which does not exist in better form somewhere else? Life is short, and it gives me no great pleasure to wade through reams of tedious treatises. It seems, however, that a text addressing the relation between crisis and revolution, beginning from where the last thesis in Wayne Spencer’s text ‘Their Passed Away Builders’ (from the site ends and taking into account relevant past experiences and theories of the moment (value-critique, communisation, bla bla) might be quite helpful in clearing up the perennial confusion that continues to surround this question.

    What do you think? What basis is there for throwing away the necessity of ‘class consciousness’ as elaborated by Marx, Lukacs, & the situationists?

    As for the basic income scheme, I think there is nothing wrong with it in principle: if the state could be forced to provide an acceptable level of subsistence without the onerous conditions and (dis)qualifications which currently accompany social services, those proletarians freed from the need to work could use their time and resources to create a situation that seduces ever greater numbers to abandon work altogether. The problem with such a demand is strategic: in order for proletariat to arrive at a stage capable of formulating and imposing such a program the rejection of the entire work-system would have to reach a level hitherto unimaginable — in which case it would make far more sense to push forward straight away to revolutionary measures since, in such a situation, it’s quite likely that ‘victory’ of reformist demands will immediately be accompanied by unforeseen counter-measures by the forces of order which erode the ‘gains’ while simultaneously demobilising the movement to the extent that a sufficient response on the part of the proletariat will no longer be possible. Then again, maybe this is just a pessimistic projection of past defeats onto future possibilities which remain more open than I imagine.




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