Another Professor heard from…

One thing I hate are people who badmouth Accelerationism as this guy, J. Moufawad-Paul does at about 14:20 into this podcast:

The professor knows, or should know, that Marx said of capital that its historical mission “is unconstrained development in geometrical progression of the productivity of human labour.”

Marx also proposed that the proletariat, if it comes to power, should, “use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.”

If this is not accelerationism, as it is currently defined by its opponents and advocates alike, I do not know what is.

Professor Moufawad-Paul need to pick up a book and read it sometime. He just might learn something new.

8 thoughts on “Another Professor heard from…”

    1. The most bizarre thing about the professor’s argument is that he couldn’t tell us how we might even be able to say which class was in power. It seems this might seem to be a no-brainer, but just try stating it in some simple unambiguous way. I defy any of these vanguardist idiots to come up with a formula.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This is the problem with post modernism dolts. They have a wealth of old strategies available to them without an understanding of why they’ve been nullified. One of them being vanguardism.

        Why can’t vanguardism be co-opted my neo Nazis? Why can’t class warfare be co-opted by Donald Trump of Bernie Sanders? Why can’t “Revolution” be co-opted by any group?

        Questions they should answer too


      2. The funky thing about ‘postmodernism’ is, is that each professor (or even layperson) is sitting atop a mountain of theory and strategy. So we take vanguardism, for example, and no academic knows why it, and other strategies, have been nullified by the mode of production . And this is BLESSING! It probably means we can move directly into communism,

        Questions they need to answer: Can vanguardism be co-opted by Neo-Nazis? Can identity politics also be co-opted by supremacists? Can class warfare be co-opted by Trump, Sanders, Warren? Can “Revolution” be co-copted by any group? If so, how do they distinguish it from other movements? Can they all be explained as moments of capital/value?

        From the vantage point of a society on its last legs, all strategies appear viable when only one will do.


  1. There is, in theory, only one current acceptable form of acceleration, and that is the form that comes from directly attacking the climate emergency by reducing global total energy consumption directly, immediately, and at a fast rate. Do that or fuck it, no hope.

    If such an accelerationism exists, it corresponds with one in which the value of total global output falls precipitously. I do not mean a path that increases mass deprivation of people but one that struggles against that while combating the main cause – surplus value.

    Accelerationism might not even be a useful concept as a rallying cry, precisely because it makes too many think “Oh, so let’s try to juice capitalism to create new capital that will [magic step here] yield F.A.L.KKK: The “fully automated luxury Kommunism Kon, Kids.”

    Things that might be expressed as left-accelerationism or hours reduction plan might be more broadly comprehensible in terms of the ecological catastrophe: power shit down or the kids are walking dead.


  2. I think popping the education bubble will pop all the rest. If careers don’t pay for the schooling necessary to enter the holy ground of said careers, then what of the chase for reputation and respect which comes with entering a careerspace. Then why consider yourself lacking in worth and dignity to begin with if uniforms and badges no longer have a persistent social value. And if this leads to a feeling of directionless despair, well there are plenty relevant problems to solve.


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